614 – Sunday the day for Surya

Sunday is called Ravivaar in Sanskrit. Ravi means Sun and vaar means day. Sunday is dedicated to worship Surya, who is the primary source of all energy to the universe. Worship of Surya leads to the granting of intelligence, courage, devotion to God and self-reliance and authority. Continue reading

612 – Absurd and impossible


Dear Ones, it is forty degrees centigrade in Delhi and it is hot. There is a heat shimmer and everyone is panting, humans and animals.

I think of myself as being a teacher of meditation, a counsellor, a healer and a psychologist. Note that I am saying think and not am. I have been humbled and by whom, my cats. Continue reading

500 – Practice Atmabhava every day – Part 1

The practice of Atmabhava (love for humanity) is like being aware of all the gods 24/7. We have seven days in the week and each day is allocated to a God.

Monday is dedicated to Shiva. Devotees fast for the whole day and can have one meal only. Fasting starts after sunrise. After rising from the bed, one should meditate on Shiva. Then have a bath and offer prayers to Shiva and Parvati. If fasting, wear white clothes. White flowers and white food are offered. Benefit is to receive Shiva’s blessings. Continue reading

195 – Mesmerizing colours

Who does not love the colours of the seasons? There is no misunderstanding and there are no clashes. In the Hindu tradition, we have different colours for different days of the week. There are numerous arguments on the subject. Continue reading

190 – Hindu Gods and the significance of their vehicles

Every important Hindu God has an animal as its vahana (vehicle). They are never without them. In Sanskrit vahana means that which carries or that which pulls. These vahanas are either animals or birds and they represent the various spiritual and psychological energy that bears the Gods. The vahana may wear a saddle upon which the deities sits, or they may pull a chariot, driven by the deity. Continue reading