767 – Puja and Yagna


What is the difference between Puja and Yagna? The word puja means prayer and it is 2500 years old. It was found in Griha Sutra, which talks about rituals. It describes the ceremonies (samskaras) that mark each stage of an individual’s life, from the moment of conception to the final death rites; the five daily sacrifices (mahayajna); seasonal ceremonies; and those observed on special occasions, such as house building or cattle breeding. The Griha sutra mentions the word pujaniya, worthy of reverence. It is assumed that the word puja comes from it or from south India. In Tamil, pujai means flowers or offering of flowers. Continue reading

613 – Who is Ayyappa?

Ayyappa is the son of Vishnu and Shiva? How did this come about? He was born out of the mystical union between Shiva and Mohini, who is the temporary avatar of Vishnu. Vishnu took the form of Mohini to undertake tasks that he could not accomplish in his original male form. Continue reading

546 – Yoga from Shore to Shore

Swamiji visited Hamburg in 1968. He said, “Yoga was the union between individual consciousness and divine consciousness. Yoga was not a religion, but a science, which when practiced brings tranquility within. Yoga is an act through which we go inwards, that is all; it is a process of communion with one’s inner self to unite the two different personalities.” Continue reading

545 – Happy Birthday, Rama

How do we celebrate the birthday of Rama? We do so by dedicating ourselves to the worship of Rama. Chanting the name of Rama, grants us deliverance. Repeating Sri Rama is enough to award us positive energy and awakening of our soul. Our Ida-Pingala nadis are balanced and the Sushumna nadi starts flowing, with saying the name of Rama. Continue reading

422 – Chant Aum constantly

“Make Aum your name. Aum is Atman, the soul, Aum is the Brahman (ultimate reality). Aum is absolute existence, knowledge, and bliss. Aum is your centre, your silence, your refuge and shelter Aum is your heart (hridaya). Do Aum japa, feel Aum, live in Aum. Aum is everywhere, in everything, hum Aum, live in truth, feel Aum everywhere in the ether, flowers, trees, stones, inanimate and animate objects. Rejoice in the light of truth, knowledge and bliss. There is a vast ocean of bliss and knowledge at the back of the mind. Drive the mind into that source.” Swami Sivananda Saraswati.

Aum reminds us of our identity with the supreme soul. Aum blows out our false ego. Continue reading

222 – Become free of your samskaras and join the witness protection program

When I wrote the title, I immediate thought of the witness protection programs, we see on television. If you think about it, our samskaras haunt us, and samskaras are based on our past experiences. We want to be free and it is like running away from a crime. How do we become rid of them? Continue reading

089 – Need of a Guru

“In 1943, my Guru Swami Sivananda gave me a mantra and told me to practice five malas every day. The practice took me no longer than three minutes in all. I practiced five malas regularly every day and during this period the most important link in my life was formed in those three minutes. Had I renounced my link with the mantra, I would never have achieved what I have today. These five malas saved me so today I can stand firmly as a swami, holding the torch of a spiritual culture.” Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

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084 – Mantras

Mantra means liberation from the thought processes of the mind (manyate trayate). When the thought processes are controlled by the mantras, the consciousness presents itself in its purest, truest nature. Mantras hold the pranic power of speech. The Vedas say that prana is hidden speech, while speech is manifest prana. We speak throughout the outgoing breath and can inhale only when we are not speaking. Continue reading