Why chant three times? We chant because we are seeking peace in our body, mind and spirit. It also makes our past, present and future tranquil. We chant Aum at the beginning of our sadhana, at the end and then Shanti. Continue reading
Tag Archives: universe
872 – Vedic Mantra for happiness
Loka Samasthah Sukhino Bhavantu—may all beings everywhere be happy, healthy and free. It is an invocation for personal and collective peace. Continue reading
802 – Eight Greek words for love
Dear ones, with Valentine’s Day around the corner, I came across these eight, Greek words for love. Some will make your heart light and joyous. Continue reading
768 – Stars and Planets
As Hindus, we give tremendous importance to astrology. It is interesting to observe how in the modern world, many are believing in influence of the stars and planets. Other than India, there were also many ancient civilizations which relied on the stars. Continue reading
629 – Liquid Sunshine
Shattering the bounds of space
Came the rain;
The hills are rent
And the waters burst and leap and sweep in a mad race.
The wind beats like a fiend of pain;
The world reels and is bent
Lightning leaps in a clap,
And the sea
Dashes its main against Heaven’s dome;
The clouds break and rumble
The wind tears at the sky as a trap
And the sky beats a tattoo and laughs in a mad spree
The corners of space crumble
Oh, the mighty rain
The universe quivers and shakes
And lo the snake
That bears the earth, hoods uplifter, springs again
Space hills leap
And in the sky, tumult of the Devas breaks
Into a mad sports where live flames crash awake
Behold time and the elements dance in a sweep
Oh, the rain, the wondrous rain. Continue reading
537 – The mightiest meditation sadhana
Ananthasayana is the lord of the creative energy. One glance from him grants material energy, the prana to give birth to all organic and inorganic matter. He is Vishnu, the sustainer and he is often portrayed as sleeping on the cosmic serpent that coils itself into a bed, positioning its many heads as a canopy. The Sesa Naga is identical to Vishnu, who is also known as Naga Sayana. Continue reading
504 – Mutual imperfection
It leads to acceptance of each other.
“Shiva, Parvati nu Saubhagya.” The meaning is: may you be as successful as Lord Shiva and Parvati in your married life.
Shiva and Parvati have been eternally married to each other. There is a divine strength which connects them.
Let us examine this heavenly relationship which consists of mutual imperfection leading to the union of prakriti (nature in all her aspects) and purusha (self, pure consciousness). Parvati is prakriti and Shiva is purusha. Continue reading
422 – Chant Aum constantly
“Make Aum your name. Aum is Atman, the soul, Aum is the Brahman (ultimate reality). Aum is absolute existence, knowledge, and bliss. Aum is your centre, your silence, your refuge and shelter Aum is your heart (hridaya). Do Aum japa, feel Aum, live in Aum. Aum is everywhere, in everything, hum Aum, live in truth, feel Aum everywhere in the ether, flowers, trees, stones, inanimate and animate objects. Rejoice in the light of truth, knowledge and bliss. There is a vast ocean of bliss and knowledge at the back of the mind. Drive the mind into that source.” Swami Sivananda Saraswati.
Aum reminds us of our identity with the supreme soul. Aum blows out our false ego. Continue reading
416 – Knowing the Lord
The Chandogya Upanishad says that Bhuma is a celebration of the auspicious qualities of the Supreme One. When Bhuman is seen and heard, nothing else is seen or heard. When Bhuman is known, nothing else is known. Swaroopoham refers to realization of truth. Love and bhakti are within us. Pursuit of Bhakti with sincerity and genuineness is essential. Continue reading