Perception of ambition

Ambition is insanity. It shows that you are not at ease with yourself, you are not at home. Ambition shows that now you want others to know you are great. That is just to hide your smallness. – Osho

Dear Ones, do we feel like this. We are all motivated by our desire, which overcomes us and causes discomfort. We are seeking acceptance from others, because we feel that we are insignificant. Continue reading

Significance of Navratri and Dussehra

Dussehra signifies the triumph of good over evil. It commemorates the victory of the Goddess Durga over the buffalo demon, Mahisha asura and the triumph of Lord Rama over Ravana, the Demon King. It is also believed that good will always prevail no matter how difficult the troubles are. Continue reading

853 – Free yourself from the clutches of Maya

Maya Pancakam is a description of Maya in five verses. Sri Sankara says that Maya cannot be described as either existence or non-existence or both, it is indescribable. Maya makes incompatibles appear together and shows how it brings about what is logically impossible. Brahman is the only reality and Brahman appears to us as the universe of multifarious names and forms, because of our ignorance of Brahman. In our ignorance we think a rope is a snake in a dim light. Continue reading

723 – Liberation / Freedom

What does it mean to be liberated? When we speak about liberation, we think of freedom from tradition and escape from conservative ideas. I have been thinking about this word my dear ones, and my understanding of it is to be free from fear. Continue reading

617 – Namaste Yoga and become my life

Yoga enables us to evolve as an individual and seek the divine within us.

Kabirdas, the great poet-saint was recognized by Hindus and Muslims. He said that the pot is in the water, the water is in the pot; water is both within and without. The pot is symbolic of the human form; the water represents the essence of creation in the form of consciousness and energy, both within and without. This is the human state. We are surrounded by higher nature, and that experience is also within. How ever there is a covering, a shell (the veil) which does not allow the merger of one with the other. Continue reading

403 – Gorakhnath

Who was Gorakhnath? He was a yogi, who performed tapas for twelve years, living on air alone and he gained tremendous powers through siddhis. He was born somewhere between the ninth and twelfth century and is responsible for spreading the practice of Yoga through out India and Asia. He was a Shiva Bhakti. His sayings are brilliant.

He wrote: Continue reading

309 – Us and our Gurus

We idolize our mentors and think of them as God. They are human and have come in the form of man. I had a conversation with Rishi Sukadev and he pointed out to me that even a murderer had a soul and there was goodness within him. I had said that I could never talk to a murderer or a rapist. After he said this, I thought deeply about it. Continue reading