True liberation is freedom from attachments, desires and fears. It is the Yogic path which will lead us. The passage to Nirodha, to the state of Samadhi is not an easy voyage. It requires sadhana, self-discipline and wholehearted commitment. The change from tamo guna and rajo guna to sattva guna is a basic step. Continue reading
Tag Archives: ujjayi
705 – 365 days of the year practice forgiveness
What I cannot understand is that why should we seek forgiveness and grant forgiveness only on special days. In reality, my dear ones we should be practicing this three hundred and sixty-five days of the year. Forgiveness means different things to different people. It involves an intentional decision to become free of resentment and anger. It also means ridding oneself of hurts and offences. Continue reading
406 – Fearful or fearless
Is it possible to face fears fearlessly or do we have to face fear fearfully? I personally think both are complicated. When one sees an accident, one is deeply disturbed. Is one disturbed for the victim or is one thinking it could have happened to me? Continue reading
398 – A golden key
You have three keys. Only you have them and only you can misplace them. How can you misplace the keys? Your thoughts can attempt to hijack them. Let us see what we will do, holding our keys tightly in our hearts. Continue reading
397 – A key to unlock the psychic channels
The psychic channels are unblocked by the power of our breath. We go through life unthinking and are told when we are little, breathe deeply if we are afraid. It is a phrase used so often that we attach no importance to it. Continue reading
396 – A bunch of keys for you
In this days and age of virtual keys, Yoga is upfront with its invisible keys.
Key to unlock the psychic sound. What is the psychic sound? It is the sound of Aum and the first sound which was created. How do we utilize the mantra to unleash our prana? Our prana is within us, but this key enables us to purify and glorify our prana. Continue reading
395 – Key to unblock your prana
How do I unblock my prana and enable it to flow and gift myself a life of wellbeing? There are five keys, I am going to give you a key in each blog. The magical part is that one key can open all the blocks. There is an impediment and I will come to it. Continue reading
370 – An immediate meditation practice
Concentrate on the mooladhara chakra. Practice ujjayi pranayama. While inhaling visualize the breath rising from the mooladhara in the spinal passage and reaching ajna chakra, directly behind the eyebrow center. Contract throat, hold breath for five seconds. Exhaling, mentally chant a-u-u-m-m-m-m-m. Feel the vibrations going down your spine and piercing visshudhi, anahata, manipura, swadhisthana and mooladhara in the spinal passage. Concentrate on mooladhara for five seconds. Then inhale and ascend again with the breath. Practice for ten minutes daily.
Given by Swami Satyananda Saraswati in Satsang in 1979.
Aim Hrim Klim
294 – How to live our life?
It is a question which is dominant in our mind and sometimes we never find the answer? It leads to dissatisfaction and frustration. The answer is within us. We have to know how to find it. It is not easy and the key to this lock is Yoga. Yoga means balance between the body and mind. Continue reading
146 – Ether element and the visshudhi chakra
Ether element is about space and the visshudhi chakra works on our five senses, our communications and our spirituality. Miscommunication in our thoughts leads to disconnect and disruption. We are moving upwards with our diligence and our sadhana is the practice of ujjayi pranayama. Continue reading
077 – What is the sadhana of Ajapa Japa
The basis of Ajapa Japa is the repetition of the mantra So Ham with Ujjayi pranayama in the sushumna passage. This process incorporates ujjayi (psychic breath), mantra (psychic sound), sushumna nadi and psychic awareness. It is the best and easiest practice to awaken Prana. The practice of Ajapa Japa is essential for developing the psychic passage, psychic breath and psychic sound, which are the important keys to Prana awakening and wellbeing. Continue reading