The Yogic path to freedom

How do we define freedom? It is a word used by all of us.

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. – Martin Luther King Jr.

Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better. – Albert Camus

He who is brave is free? – Seneca

Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose and commit myself to – what is best for me. – Paul Coelho

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The color code in Fengshui and Hinduism

In Fengshui there are four colors which are regarded as powerful. They attract wealth and abundance, and they are purple, deep blues, gold and dark greens.

Purple is associated with spirituality and one’s interior life. It is also associated with material possessions. It is believed that if we feel complete, we will send that energy out into the world and riches will begin to find their way to us. Continue reading

998 – Our quest for mysticism

Mysticism is the belief that one can experience a direct connection with God, or a unifying principle in life. It can also refer to any altered state of consciousness or ecstasy that has a spiritual or religious meaning. In Hinduism one seeks the union with a higher being and this can be described as a mystical dimension. Continue reading

930 – Karma and Divinity

We do not exist independently….
Whenever I walk, sit, eat or practice calligraphy,
I do so with the awareness,
That all my ancestors are within me at that moment.
I am their continuation.
Whatever I am doing,
the energy of mindfulness
enables me to do it as ‘us,’
‘Through interbeing, not as me.’

Ancestors and me – Thich Nhat Hanh Continue reading

902 – Sivananda Yoga

Sivananda Yoga is the best way to understand and express bhakti. The first step in Sivananda yoga is to serve. The second step is to love. Service and love are concepts of bhakti. When service and love become predominant in life, the mind is drawn to contemplation and remembrance of God. The devotee begins to see God and experience God’s glory within her/himself. That is why the definition of bhakti is serve and love. – Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

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791 – Handling of fears

Which arise in the mind during puja and meditation.

A saying of the Paramhamsa Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

Explanation by the Master

All of us when we meditate find that we encounter our latent fears. What are these fears? They range from passion, lust, anger, desire, envy and of course unexplained fear. One feels completely blocked as they are churning in the mind. It is a self-defeating battle to suppress them and they keep regenerating and multiplying. Fear is an essential part of Puja with bhava, it pussyfoots in and in dhyana also it comes in. Continue reading

592 – Words with D and E

The effect of words beginning with D and E on us, is extraordinary. I will discuss D words first and then E words.

D words

Despair, desperation, depression, despondency, disgrace, distress, dumps, disconsolation, dispirited, devilish, dolefulness distraught, dismay, discouragement, demoralization, defeatism, disheartenment, dejection. Continue reading

586 – Loss

What is loss? It is a very powerful word which encompasses many subjects. It has a great many meanings. How do we understand and perceive it? Loss relates to when we identify with our anxieties and insecurities. We lose our sense of clarity and we are faced with disillusionment and uncertainty. When we relate to this, we kill our self. Continue reading