Basant Panchami – Celebrate Spring

Basant Panchami is being celebrated on the second of February. It is a festival, when we welcome spring and worship Saraswati.

It is also called Saraswati Puja. It is usually observed in late January or early February. Likewise, it is known as the King of all seasons. Since it is early greetings to spring. It marks the gradual transition towards the full bloom of spring. We wear Yellow and are not supposed to touch our books. We worship them. Yellow is the color of Saraswati, who represents creativity, knowledge and it is the color of the ripening mustard fields all over in northern India. Continue reading

Tapasya and Yagna


Shiva meditated on Mount Kailash, which was barren, and he was covered in snow. Shiva became the supreme tapasvi as he had destroyed hunger. Prakriti took the form of Shakti and said to Shiva, “Hunger distinguishes creatures from being alive and dead. You are a corpse as you have no hunger. Vegetation happens when there is water and soil. An animal seeks food to satisfy his hunger.” Continue reading

Be blessed for all your life

The Shree Shiva Tandava Strotram is a hymn written and sung by the demon king Ravana to praise Lord Shiva. It is about the cosmic dance of Shiva that destroys all negative energies, which exist in one. The content describes the beauty and powers of Shiva in the minutest detail. He is addressed as the destroyer of death. And it ends with his refrain, “When will I be happy?” The result was that Ravana received blessings and a celestial sword called Chandrahaas, because of the intensity of his prayers and rigid meditations. Continue reading

984 – Why is Friday an auspicious day for Hindus?

Friday is the auspicious day for the major Goddesses such as Lakshmi, Parvati and Saraswati. It is considered a day of feminine Shakti. Sukra, is the Sanskrit word for brightness and clearness. It is the name of the son of Bhrigu and Khyati (incarnation of Lakshmi) and the preceptor of the Daityas (Devas) and the Guru of the Asuras. Continue reading

836 – Masculinity and Femineity

We believe that in the creation of the universe, God revealed two aspects of himself, Male and Female. The male was considered Purush, wisdom and space. Female was Prakriti, nature. Neither could survive without the other. Space is everywhere and wisdom is hidden in it. However, there is no creation. The creation occurs with Father Purush and Mother Prakriti or Shakti. Both Purush and Prakriti unite within us and in the cosmos for the wonderful universes. Continue reading

789 – Promise and a prayer

In the previous blog article, I wrote about a prayer and a promise. We had gone to a forest sanctuary for a holiday. In India, where ever there are mountains, there are temples perched on a peak. We visited two temples and in both places the guide told us that one’s wishes were always granted but one had to fulfill one’s promise. I thought that was ridiculous as my understanding was that one went to offer prayers with a genuine and sincere heart. The divinity always understood what the supplicant was asking. Yesterday when I read Swamiji’s lecture, I appreciated what our guide was saying. Continue reading

763 – Veneration of Trees in Hinduism

We were taught to respect Mother Earth and treat the trees with respect. Many trees are considered sacred to specific deities. Trees become objects of worship or shrines are built beneath them. Mango trees are considered holy because they are associated with many rituals. Tulasi is considered sacred to the disciples of Vishnu, Wood apple or Bilva tree is considered sacred to disciples of Shiva. The neem tree wards off evil. Continue reading

762 – Takeaway from Festivals

Growing up as children in India as a Hindu, one learns a great deal from our numerous festivals. It is not taught but one’s awareness becomes heightened watching family members. All the festivals are based on triumph of good over evil. I am sharing with you the history and background and how this becomes a part of one. Continue reading

625 – Hurray for Dads and Mums

Keep your kerchiefs out to dry your tears. This happened in the Ranthambore National Park.

A very ill tigress raised three cubs. It is unusual because she kept them with her for four years. The law of the jungle dictates that cubs leave their mum, by then the time they are two. What happened here? Continue reading

613 – Who is Ayyappa?

Ayyappa is the son of Vishnu and Shiva? How did this come about? He was born out of the mystical union between Shiva and Mohini, who is the temporary avatar of Vishnu. Vishnu took the form of Mohini to undertake tasks that he could not accomplish in his original male form. Continue reading

561 – 3 quick ways of quietening our mind

1. Anuloma Viloma

Become aware of the breath and visualize the prana flowing in and out of the left nostril to the count of 27. Repeat with the right nostril. Now practice with the breath and visualize the prana flowing in and out of both nostrils, to the count of 54. You have unblocked both nostrils and restored the balance between Ida (mental activities) and Pingala (vital activities) nadis. Continue reading

508 – Maha Shivaratri

Maha Shivaratri will be celebrated on the 18th of February 2023. Why do we celebrate this festival? Maha Shivaratri is known as the “Great Night of Lord Shiva”. It is considered one of the most important Hindu festivals. The meaning of Shiva is auspiciousness and prosperity—bestowing principle. Shiva controls the cycle of birth and death. He is responsible for the creation of languages, art, dance, music, yoga, ayurveda and herbal medicines. Continue reading

505 – Who is perfect?

We are all perfect and with perfection comes imperfection. I know this is like a riddle my dear ones. Pause and think.

Is anyone of us an ideal person?
Are we faultless?
Are we outstanding all the time?
Are we always impeccable in our behavior?
Are we adept at everything we do?
And the list goes on… Continue reading