635 – Bitter pills in life

What is the definition of sadhana? Sadhana means a dedicated practice. It originates from the Sanskrit word, sadhana (dedication) to an aim, from sadh bring about. It refers to a daily spiritual practice. Technically it represents a disciplined surrendering of the ego, in which the practitioner uses tools such as asana, pranayama, meditation and chanting on a daily basis. Continue reading

624 – Heaven and hell

Heaven and hell are created by us. It is our perception. Some quotes which will make you ponder.

I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And by and by my Soul
return’d to me,
And answered: I Myself am Heav’n and Hell. – Omar Khayyam

The mind is a universe and can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. – John Milton.

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620 – Yoga is within us

Swami Sivananda’s mission and vision was to make people aware of the divine life. He said that material stuff was only one end of the spectrum. In order to experience the evolution of our consciousness, we had to live a healthy life. A healthy life was a balanced body and mind. Continue reading

619 – Treat all spines with respect

Did you know that the elephant vertebrae in its spine point upwards just like humans. Elephants are recognized for their strength and size. However, their backs are not designed to carry weight. This puts their spines at risk and they can cave in when used for work like tourist rides. Their spines turn concave and they are in immense agony. They use their trunks to lift heavy weights. It is shocking to learn this fact about their spine. The elephant is exploited and we have been unaware of the suffering they have been exposed to. Continue reading

618 – Brahma Vidya

What does Vidya mean? Vidya means correct knowledge in any field of science, learning, philosophy or any factual knowledge that cannot be disputed or refuted. Its root is Vid (Sanskrit) which means to reason upon, knower, finding, knowing, acquiring or understanding. Vidya is also the name of Saraswati. Continue reading

616 – The spell of time

We are all fascinated by time and now it has become so important for us. Let me start with Face Time, Zoom time, Amazon Delivery time and so on. All these times are very important part of our lives, especially Amazon Fresh, which delivers organic vegetables, and you have to give them the time when they can come.

A minute goes by so fearfully quick; you might as well snatch a Bandersnatch! – Lewis Carroll

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614 – Sunday the day for Surya

Sunday is called Ravivaar in Sanskrit. Ravi means Sun and vaar means day. Sunday is dedicated to worship Surya, who is the primary source of all energy to the universe. Worship of Surya leads to the granting of intelligence, courage, devotion to God and self-reliance and authority. Continue reading

609 – What should I do?

My dear ones, three stressors are currently dominating my life. I am praying, am justifying it and telling myself that it will pass.

The first one is that a loved one is having a major, health problem. I am chanting and hoping that it will end well.

The organization which I consider like my second home is having problems. The issues are complex and one is hoping for a favorable outcome. Continue reading

604 – Look for bliss within

Kabir said,

Look for bliss within, not elsewhere.

Kabir invented the word ‘Avadhoo’, which means infinite, vast, expansive, boundary-less, unfathomable as ether. Avadhoo is also his name for the guru, when we pray to him. Avdhoota means one who does not wear any garments but in reality, is an individual who has stripped her/him/self-off all the layers of her/his mind—layers of delusions, ignorance, attachment, aversion and therefore one emerges as her/his true self. Continue reading

603 – Ganesha Meditation

Visualization in this meditation step by step.

Become aware of your mooladhara chakra. Concentrate upon it. It is at the tip of the cervix for females and between the anus and the scrotum for males. Gaze at the nose tip and practice nose tip gazing (Nasikgrah Drishti), which stimulates the mooladhara chakra. The mooladhara chakra restores your stability and balance. It grounds you. Stay with the sadhana for five minutes. Continue reading

590 – Who is a Hindu?

Hinduism is the world’s oldest faith in the world. Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara (the continues cycle of life, death and reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect). In Hinduism, the soul or Atman is the crux of it. Continue reading