The spiritual connection of numbers

In all faiths numbers play a role. 108, 13, 3, 613, 786, 5, 888, 666 are spiritual numbers.

In my seminars, my students always ask, why is 108 important? In Hinduism 108 is a holy number. An individual breathes 21,600 times in 24 hours. When divided by two, it becomes 10,800 resembling 2 horizons – the north and south poles, emphasizing 108 as basic. The sky is divided into 27 nakshatras, each having four sectors of 30, i.e. 27×4=108. The moon crosses one nakshatra in 54 hours, which if divided into day and night gives 54×2=108. Continue reading

931 – Maya and Tamas

The world and the life created in it is subject to the influence of maya and tamas. We are all victims of maya and tamas.

What is maya?

Maya is illusion and is the powerful force which creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomena is real. The purpose of maya is to teach one the futility of illusion. To be free of maya one must develop an attitude of gratitude. Continue reading

745 – A true tale about elephants and mice

Dear ones, what does it mean when I write how much is enough. And the next one what are problems?

I will start with how much is enough. In my earlier life, I would tell my colleagues that if we saw an elephant on Wednesday, all our problems would be solved. We were struggling as an NGO and we were running three projects for which we had to report regularly. We had to deal with many issues, our runaway boys, the AIDS Hotline and the Voluntary Counselling and Testing HIV/AIDS Centre. The projects were in three different areas. I would tell my colleagues that our difficulties would be resolved if we would see an elephant. Continue reading

685 – The essence of magic in Sadhana

Magic is life. Where there is magic, there is life, the two cannot be separated. They shadow each other’s nature, reflect each other faces, centers and moods. The echoes of a word shouted in anger, the warmth left behind by the touch of skin, the traceries of breath, these are all lingering concepts we loosely define as ‘magic’. Continue reading

558 – The dust of the feet

To fulfil our dreams. A visualization of Maha Shakti.

Close your eyes. Sit straight. Chant Aim Hrim Klim three times. Breathe in and out of your left nostril and then breathe in and out of the right nostril. You are clearing the Ida and Pingala nadis. Now breathe in and out of both nostrils so that the Sushumna can flow. Be still. Continue reading

396 – A bunch of keys for you

In this days and age of virtual keys, Yoga is upfront with its invisible keys.

Key to unlock the psychic sound. What is the psychic sound? It is the sound of Aum and the first sound which was created. How do we utilize the mantra to unleash our prana? Our prana is within us, but this key enables us to purify and glorify our prana. Continue reading

352 – Why is the two a mystical number?

Two are required to have a relationship. Without two, there is no love, no longing, and no union. Without another, the self is meaningless. For sat (truth) to be understood there is then no need of maya (illusion). If one’s soul is to be still, it is only possible if there is restlessness. Continue reading

331 – Who is Maya?

Maya is the greatest artist and juggler. She casts a spell on us and makes the impermanent permanent, the impure pure and pain becomes pleasure. We imagine that we will always have desires, passion and will always be in love. The whole world is a net of maya to ensnare us. Continue reading