371 – Why do temples have domes?


The temple domes were modelled on the sky. If one sits under an open sky and repeats AUM, one’s voice will be lost, because the strength of an individual’s voice will be lost in the sky. One will not be able to hear the reverberation and the echo of the chanting. The sky absorbs it. Continue reading

359 – Possession and possessiveness

What is the definition of possession? Something that you own or are carrying with you. Why does possession have such a powerful hold on us? Let us examine why possession has its tentacles wrapped around us. Is our love possessive for our child, partner, parent, and pet? Can we own an individual? Is it healthy to be possessive? Continue reading

322 – Tantra as explained by my Guru

Following the spiritual life in today’s society of consumerism and materialism without creating discord and imbalance in our daily life is not an easy goal. The principles of Vedanta are too complex for us. We require some sadhana which is easy to understand and accept. Tantra is the middle way, and its master principle is: Continue reading

286 – Dhanya Vad, the thank-you-mantra

The world around is always on the move. Many of us do not look around us. We are staring at our phones continuously. I am surprised that many of us have so much to speak about. I see people going for a walk, going to work, driving, at the beauty parlor, at a restaurant and they all have one thing in common. They are on the phone. I seem to among the few, who is not gawping at the phone. If only we could take time off from our phone, shut off the visual and auditory stimulation coming from it, and appreciate what is happening around us. Continue reading

178 – Bija Mantras and Us

Today in the morning I was playing the chants in the garden. The birds started singing and whistling when Krishna Das was singing Hanuman Chalisa. They enjoy his singing, whether it is in Goa, Delhi or Germany. The crows like a harder voice and they cawwed to their hearts content with Aditya Hyrdayam. We soon had a bird band. Continue reading

155 – How we should prepare our mind

We must learn and understand the practice of Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. What is Karma Yoga? The word karma is used freely and frankly and all our misfortunes are blamed on our bad Karma. Karma is the real desires created in the mind. When we wish to possess, it is karma. Karma is a movement that takes place within the mind, body or emotions. Continue reading

148 – Ajna Chakra and the elements

We have worked on the five elements, and we have been consistent and dedicated in our sadhana. When our five elements and our chakras are balanced, ajna chakra the command centre is in control of our responses and reactions. We have ceased the battle with our contrariness and inconsistencies. The ajna chakra is the centre for our past, present and future memories. Continue reading

142 – Self-exploration with Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

In these extraordinary times, we are all spending a great deal of time with ourselves. Self-exploration is the process to find out what is invaluable to us by self-introspection. What is right for us, and how do we accept ourselves as we are. We live in the universe which is composed of space, air, fire, water and earth. It is also our composition. Continue reading

Swami Vishnu Devananda chants “Om” (original voice)

Listen to Swami Vishnu Devanandas original voice!
He chants “OM” and you can chant with him!

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