438 – Light and fragrance

Each mantra has its own fragrance. Those who chant AUM have known a certain fragrance. Similarly, each mantra has its own light. The light in a temple is not decided by external light but by inner light. Many of us sit drenched in brilliant lights and heavy fragrances and imagine that we are meditating. Continue reading

423 – Lotus, the favourite flower of Gods

The lotus is the most powerful symbol of spirituality, beauty, fertility and prosperity. According to Hinduism within each of us is the spirit of the lotus. It is the Anahata chakra or Hrit Padma (heart-lotus), which is the gateway to our soul. The Anahata chakra is described as blue. Continue reading

422 – Chant Aum constantly

“Make Aum your name. Aum is Atman, the soul, Aum is the Brahman (ultimate reality). Aum is absolute existence, knowledge, and bliss. Aum is your centre, your silence, your refuge and shelter Aum is your heart (hridaya). Do Aum japa, feel Aum, live in Aum. Aum is everywhere, in everything, hum Aum, live in truth, feel Aum everywhere in the ether, flowers, trees, stones, inanimate and animate objects. Rejoice in the light of truth, knowledge and bliss. There is a vast ocean of bliss and knowledge at the back of the mind. Drive the mind into that source.” Swami Sivananda Saraswati.

Aum reminds us of our identity with the supreme soul. Aum blows out our false ego. Continue reading

384 – Earth and water elements

The universe is composed of five elements and so is our self. The five elements are ether, air, fire, water and earth. Why is there so much unhappiness in the cosmos?

Our first element is earth, and it is what composes us. Earth is our grounding and it is accompanied by the mooladhara chakra. The mooladhara chakra is the first chakra which is awakened in the fetus. It has a direct connection to the mother. After twelve weeks, it becomes independent of its mother’s prana. It is written in the ancient books that an expectant mother should be always happy and given whatever she asks for. Nobody should harm or distress her. Continue reading

377 – What has Navratri got to do with breathing?

We all know that we breathe through both our nostrils and that sometimes one nostril is blocked. However, we do not attach too much importance to it. Our doctors say that it could be sinusitis or a deviated septum. Our body has a biorhythm. There is a dyad cycle of hot and cold and this also happens in our breathing. Continue reading

370 – An immediate meditation practice

Concentrate on the mooladhara chakra. Practice ujjayi pranayama. While inhaling visualize the breath rising from the mooladhara in the spinal passage and reaching ajna chakra, directly behind the eyebrow center. Contract throat, hold breath for five seconds. Exhaling, mentally chant a-u-u-m-m-m-m-m. Feel the vibrations going down your spine and piercing visshudhi, anahata, manipura, swadhisthana and mooladhara in the spinal passage. Concentrate on mooladhara for five seconds. Then inhale and ascend again with the breath. Practice for ten minutes daily.

Given by Swami Satyananda Saraswati in Satsang in 1979.

Aim Hrim Klim

301 – Nurture and care

When children are brought into the world they need nurturing. We find that this is the most important aspect of raising children. A child is like the rose in ‘The Little Prince’. “It is the time that you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important”, said the little prince, so that he would be sure to remember. Continue reading

278 – Why should we go to the temple

A temple is a sanctuary. It is the place where there is a concentration of divine energy. However why should we go to a temple when God is present everywhere? We are the manifestation of Brahman and the meaning of Brahman is the supreme and eternal essence of the universe. We are lacking our connection to the real meaning of faith and divinity. We are governed by our thoughts and ahamkara (ego). Continue reading