616 – The spell of time

We are all fascinated by time and now it has become so important for us. Let me start with Face Time, Zoom time, Amazon Delivery time and so on. All these times are very important part of our lives, especially Amazon Fresh, which delivers organic vegetables, and you have to give them the time when they can come.

A minute goes by so fearfully quick; you might as well snatch a Bandersnatch! – Lewis Carroll

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614 – Sunday the day for Surya

Sunday is called Ravivaar in Sanskrit. Ravi means Sun and vaar means day. Sunday is dedicated to worship Surya, who is the primary source of all energy to the universe. Worship of Surya leads to the granting of intelligence, courage, devotion to God and self-reliance and authority. Continue reading

607 – What is in a name?

Names are very important for us. They affect our life. Their meaning carries a positive or negative connotation. Therefore, names influence our behavior and how one is treated by others. In the Hindu way of life, a name carries a spiritual and aspirational significance. They are based on the names of gods, virtues or homage is paid to a holy place. The name impacts one and that is why when a baby is born in a Hindu home, the conjugation of the planets is taken and the alphabet for the name selected. Continue reading

600 – Dry your tears

“Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya”. I bow down to the Lord who resides in the hearts of all beings. Lord Vishnu dries our tears with his love and compassion.

The best time to chant Lord Vishnu Mantra is between 4am—6am (Braham Muhurta). Have a bath and sit on a mat. Meditate on a picture of Lord Vishnu. The picture is one of Lord Vishnu in Yoga Nidra. Focus on his divine form. Use a Tulsi mala. Thursday is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and praying to him on this day will enable one to have all of one’s dreams fulfilled.

Meditation on the form of Lord Vishnu from the Bhagavatam. Continue reading

592 – Words with D and E

The effect of words beginning with D and E on us, is extraordinary. I will discuss D words first and then E words.

D words

Despair, desperation, depression, despondency, disgrace, distress, dumps, disconsolation, dispirited, devilish, dolefulness distraught, dismay, discouragement, demoralization, defeatism, disheartenment, dejection. Continue reading

581 – Atma deepo bhava

Be your own light.

Heraclitus’s famous analogy of life to a river: “Upon those who step into the same rivers, different and ever different waters flow down.” Heraclitus was an ancient Greek philosopher. The central idea of his philosophy was the unity of opposites and the concept of change. He observed the world as being in a state of constant flux. Nothing remains the same and the world is impermanent. It is changing continuously. Our ignorance is responsible for this false perception. Adi Shankara calls this ignorance avidya and to remove this we need that light, which is from within. Continue reading

568 – Chant with your heart – the original

The practices of Ajapa Japa were given by Swami Satyananda Saraswati in 1963 in Cama Hall, Bombay.

In his talk, he has given six practices for the followers of Yoga. They are simple and easy to follow. What is essential is that the Ajapa Japa sadhana has to be practiced for a month. I have written the sadhana as he gave it and it is simply said by the Guru for all to follow. Continue reading

560 – Chant with your heart

Ajapa Japa Sadhana as explained by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

When we chant, we are uttering from the mouth, when we chant from the heart, it is called Ajapa. Ajapa Japa is a complete sadhana and through it one can have direct experience of samadhi. Continue reading

546 – Yoga from Shore to Shore

Swamiji visited Hamburg in 1968. He said, “Yoga was the union between individual consciousness and divine consciousness. Yoga was not a religion, but a science, which when practiced brings tranquility within. Yoga is an act through which we go inwards, that is all; it is a process of communion with one’s inner self to unite the two different personalities.” Continue reading

539 – Words – sacred sounds

The power of the word lasts forever. It cannot fade away. I read that when we say something hurtful to someone intentionally, it never leaves the ether. Words are made of prana as we utter them by using our prana. They themselves have the energy and power which can heal, help, hurt, harm or hinder, humiliate and humble. Continue reading

507 – The release of prana in powerful words

What happens to us when we say potent words aloud?

Love, our face lights up. We have a warm feeling inside us.
Joy is an expression of delight and jubilation. We smile.
Friendship, when we have affection and respect for someone. We are included.
Compassion being sensitive to others.
Empathy when we relate to others’ problems.
Hate and anger are intense emotions. They result in an adrenalin rush. We frown, look cross and add lines to our face.
Fear triggers another release, when we say that we are afraid, it reduces our level of fear, or it can further exaggerate it. Continue reading

494 – Basant Panchami

Basant means one who bestows wishes and season of spring. Spring is about new beginnings and transformations. Panchami means the fifth day of the Hindu lunar month in the Hindu calendar marking the beginning of winter’s end and the coming of spring. And in the western calendar it is January—February. Continue reading

479 – 10 Divine forms of the Goddess

Das Mahavidyas are the divine forms of the Goddess. They are very powerful forms of the Goddess and can be worshipped in their individual manifestations. Their origin is when Sati manifested herself into the ten forms of Adi Shakti because Shiva would not allow her to attend her father’s Yagna uninvited. Both Sati and Shiva had not received an invite. When Shiva found that he was surrounded by these Goddesses in every direction, he agreed to attend the function. Continue reading

457 – Gender neutral prayers

Our prayers are gender neutral and yet we have so much conflict between couples. I have listed four prayers and they are recited as invocations and supplication. There is no discrimination in them.

Our prayer to the Cosmic Mother, Durga is a prayer which can be said by all. Durga is known as Devi or Shakti. Devi means woman, and Shakti means power. Durga in Sanskrit means a fort. Ma Durga protects us all. Continue reading