260 – Pashupata Tantra

Pashupata Tantra is the source of all tantric thoughts and philosophies. The kernel of Pashupata Tantra is that Shiva explains to Parvati that when a being is born through sexual union, it is bound and fettered. Its senses overtake it and it becomes deluded, infatuated and a creature of passions. It is weighed down by the ties of karma. Continue reading

243 – Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri is the equal partner of the sun and the mantra for prana, with three forms. In the early morning, Gayatri is a little girl. At noon she is a young woman in her prime. In the evening she is a wise, old woman. The colors used for Gayatri are red in the morning, yellow at noon, and grey at night. Continue reading

233 – Devi in the hindu tradition

The Goddess has been worshipped in the vedic and tantric traditions in numerous forms. Thousands of goddesses exist in India, all manifestations and symbols of one energy and power. As Durga, she is the remover of obstacles, as Kali, the destroyer of time and annihilator of the ego. As Lakshmi, she is the granter of wisdom and knowledge. As Saraswati, she is the granter of wisdom and knowledge. As Tara, she is the guiding light. As Jagdamba, she is the mother of the universe. Continue reading

219 – Man and Woman are equal

In Kaliyuga, we tend to be abrasive and abusive about life. We condemn and criticize. We think that we are self -sufficient.

I have been contemplating on the subject of man / woman attachments. A male form is incomplete without the existence of a female form. God cannot be incomplete. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva have female counterparts: Sarasvati and Brahma, Vishnu and Lakshmi and Shiva and Shakti. Together these three couples embody the understanding of the ultimate divine. Brahma creates, Vishnu sustains and Shiva destroys. Sarasvati, Lakshmi and Shakti embody knowledge, wealth and power. Continue reading

213 – Namaste Navratri and Summer Solestice

We all have to join together and rid the universe of evil and destruction. In the Shastras it is written that the easiest way to experience God in these troubled and turbulent times is by worship. We need not go into a complicated philosophical discussion. All we have to do is to bow our heads before the deity, who is greater than any other power of the world. Aradhana (prayer) starts from this act and progresses gradually towards bliss and love. Begin with the deity, one loves and adores (it can be the elements, chakras, and yantras), and one rises progressively above the form and merges into the supreme atman. Continue reading

187 – The thousand names of Devi

Lalita Sahasranama means the thousand names of the Goddess Lalita. The thousand names of Devi are chanted in adoration and salutation to the goddess. How would we describe the nature of the Shakti of Lalita. The word Shakti comes from the root shak, which means the divine power by which the universe is created, maintained and destroyed. Shakti and Shaktiman both mean the ruler and controller of the power. Continue reading

186 – Why the head of the elephant for Ganesha

Did Shiva know that Shakti had created a beautiful boy to be her protector? Shakti was very upset as she had nobody to take care of her. Whomsoever, she created, Shiva took them away and they became Shiva’s followers. Does this not happen in many marriages and Shakti and Shiva are the ultimate power couple. Continue reading

183 – Shiva, the Auspicious one

Shankaracharya addresses Shiva, as the great ruler. He says, “O Auspicious One, the Great Ruler, O Compassionate One, O Thou wielder of the Trident, Thou Lord of Gauri and of the creatures, the destroyer of all bondage of the jivas, Thou Lord of Varanasi, out of thy mercy Thou projectest, maintainest and destroyest this world. Thou art the Great Ruler.” Continue reading

159 – Purusha and Prakriti

Purusha and Prakriti emerged from the split. The kundalini is the subtlest form of energy and indivisible part of pure consciousness. Energy and consciousness have separated and united to create the cosmos and they are striving to unite in our physical body. Continue reading

132 – Are we committed to the future

Swami Satyananda Saraswati said, “If we hold ourselves responsible for the future, our own and our children, then we will ensure that the evolution of man is along positive lines. Only then will wars cease, only then will man be able to love his fellow man, and only then will adults understand the young and the young understand the old.” Continue reading

111 – Who does not love their Mums

Our first memory is of our mother, her touch, her unconditional love, and her sacrifices. Devi is the mother of creation. She is the divine mother and is the benevolent power of the lord or the creative energy. We go to our mother for fulfillment of our needs. She nourishes us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Continue reading