569 – Sayings by Sri Ramakrishna Parmahamsa

When an unbaked pot is broken, the potter can use the mud to make a new pot; but when a baked pot is broken, he cannot do the same any longer. So, when a person dies in a state of ignorance, he is born again; but when he becomes well baked in the fire of true knowledge and dies a perfect man, he is not born again. Continue reading

561 – 3 quick ways of quietening our mind

1. Anuloma Viloma

Become aware of the breath and visualize the prana flowing in and out of the left nostril to the count of 27. Repeat with the right nostril. Now practice with the breath and visualize the prana flowing in and out of both nostrils, to the count of 54. You have unblocked both nostrils and restored the balance between Ida (mental activities) and Pingala (vital activities) nadis. Continue reading

546 – Yoga from Shore to Shore

Swamiji visited Hamburg in 1968. He said, “Yoga was the union between individual consciousness and divine consciousness. Yoga was not a religion, but a science, which when practiced brings tranquility within. Yoga is an act through which we go inwards, that is all; it is a process of communion with one’s inner self to unite the two different personalities.” Continue reading

531 – Tigers and us

A true story. A farmer saw a tiger in the forest. He watched the tiger and then went and pulled his tail. The tiger turned around and struck the man, who was mortally wounded. The victim was taken to the hospital where he died. It really happened in India. Now why would he pull the tiger’s tail. It is a case of where fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Continue reading

524 – Develop the eye of wisdom

Osho spoke,

The third eye is where one puts the tilak, the vermilion mark on the forehead. It was devised as a symbol of that unknown world. This point is not in the same place for everyone. It is said that if someone has meditated for a long time in his/her past lives and has had a small experience of samadhi his/her third eye will be lower down. If no meditation has been done, the place on the forehead is higher up. It can be determined by the position of this point, what the state of one’s meditation was in one’s past life; it will indicate whether the state of samadhi ever happened to one in one’s past life. If it happened often then, this point will have come down lower, it will be at the same level as one’s eyes—it cannot go lower than that. If this point has come in line with one’s eyes, then one can enter samadhi. The happening is so small that it is insignificant.

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508 – Maha Shivaratri

Maha Shivaratri will be celebrated on the 18th of February 2023. Why do we celebrate this festival? Maha Shivaratri is known as the “Great Night of Lord Shiva”. It is considered one of the most important Hindu festivals. The meaning of Shiva is auspiciousness and prosperity—bestowing principle. Shiva controls the cycle of birth and death. He is responsible for the creation of languages, art, dance, music, yoga, ayurveda and herbal medicines. Continue reading

505 – Who is perfect?

We are all perfect and with perfection comes imperfection. I know this is like a riddle my dear ones. Pause and think.

Is anyone of us an ideal person?
Are we faultless?
Are we outstanding all the time?
Are we always impeccable in our behavior?
Are we adept at everything we do?
And the list goes on… Continue reading

504 – Mutual imperfection

It leads to acceptance of each other. 

“Shiva, Parvati nu Saubhagya.” The meaning is: may you be as successful as Lord Shiva and Parvati in your married life.

Shiva and Parvati have been eternally married to each other. There is a divine strength which connects them.

Let us examine this heavenly relationship which consists of mutual imperfection leading to the union of prakriti (nature in all her aspects) and purusha (self, pure consciousness). Parvati is prakriti and Shiva is purusha. Continue reading

500 – Practice Atmabhava every day – Part 1

The practice of Atmabhava (love for humanity) is like being aware of all the gods 24/7. We have seven days in the week and each day is allocated to a God.

Monday is dedicated to Shiva. Devotees fast for the whole day and can have one meal only. Fasting starts after sunrise. After rising from the bed, one should meditate on Shiva. Then have a bath and offer prayers to Shiva and Parvati. If fasting, wear white clothes. White flowers and white food are offered. Benefit is to receive Shiva’s blessings. Continue reading

486 – The Goddess is infinite and all-knowing – Part 1

Boons and blessings.

Ravana had been granted a boon from Lord Brahma that no God or demon could kill him. He thought that he was invincible. He also received a flying chariot and he could change his shape. He did not realize that the boon did not stretch to humans. And he could be killed by a mortal. Continue reading

484 – Mother and Father

Swami Vivekananda said,

Mother is the first manifestation of power… With the name of mother comes the idea of shakti divine energy and omnipotence, just as the baby believes its mother to be all-powerful, able to do anything. The Divine Mother is the Kundalini sleeping in us; without worshipping her we can never know ourselves.

Who is the father? Continue reading

481 – Goddess Parvati

Parvati is the power of Shakti of Lord Shiva, the beloved wife of Shiva and the mother of Ganesha and Kartike. She is the Yogamaya of Lord Vishnu, she tied a rakhi (sacred thread) on Vishnu’s wrist, thus making him her brother. She wears a Mangal sutra (a string of gold and black beads), which is a sign of marriage for Hindu women round her neck. Continue reading

445 – Worship of Kali by Ramakrishna

Why did Ramakrishna worship Kali? Ramakrishna had the divine vision of Kali and he was always in communication with her. One does not know whether Kali chose him to express her divinity through him or he chose Kali.

Who is Kali? Is she the Shakti of Shiva? Continue reading

439 – Cacti and conserving the water

Cacti are such strange plants and yet they have a special beauty. In Mexico I saw many wild cacti everywhere. Some were used as fences by people on their roofs and some shade bearing cacti had cars parked underneath. I have always loved them as my father collected cacti. Continue reading

431 – Plant a tree in your heart

Today I saw a two-thousand-year-old tree. It was one of the most beautiful sights and stood like a Guardian, gentle and protective of all who came to admire and respect it. It was in Mexico, in the town of El Tule. This tree is called El Arbor del Tule. It is considered the fattest tree in the world; its trunk is fourteen meters in diameter. It is a Montezuma Cypress and has the world’s widest trunk. People come and pay homage to it. Its threat is local urban growth and excessive irrigation. Continue reading